
Friday, July 20, 2012

And then there were five…

134340 Pluto has a new moon, bringing the distant dwarf planet’s collection of satellites to 5.  No official name for the little guy yet, but this 10 to 25 km piece of (more than likely) ice takes about 20 days to orbit Pluto at a distance of about 42,000 km, placing it between Charon (the largest and innermost know moon) and Nix.  With the New Horizons probe on the way to Pluto, the little world’s family of moons continues to grow.See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download<br /> the highest resolution version available.
Pluto’s system of five moons.  Pluto and Charon are added into this composite image from a different source – the light from them needs to be blocked in order to make out the much fainter satellites.

Pluto’s first satellite, Charon was discovered by James Christy in 1978.  He noticed a “bump” in the images of Pluto that changed position (and even disappeared) from image to image.  Since then studies of Charon has allowed for much better mass measurements of Pluto, as well as revealing information about the moon itself.  Charon is, in relation to its parent, the largest object we consider a “moon.”   Charon’s diameter is about half that of Pluto, with 12% the dwarf planet’s mass.  Compare that to the Earth-Moon system: our Moon is about a quarter the diameter of the Earth in size with only 1.2% of the mass of the Earth, and our Moon is abnormally large compared to most planetary satellites (e.g. Saturn’s largest moon Titan is about than .02% the mass of Saturn!).  Charon is so massive compared to Pluto that it causes Pluto to actually orbit a point ouside of itself in space.  Really Pluto-Charon could be considered a double dwarf planet (or a binary Kuiper Belt Object) as they both orbit around a point partway between each other.

File:Charon Discovery.jpg
Now you see me now you don’t: The “bump” that would become known as Charon is visible to the upper right of Pluto in the first image, but not in the second.

Charon and Pluto are also tidally locked to one another, Pluto’s rotation, the rotation of Charon and the the orbit of Charon all take the same amount of time, roughly 6 days, 9 hours.  This situation results Pluto and Charon always “facing” each other.  Charon will always be in the same place in the sky for an observer on Pluto (and the other way around too!).

The rest of Pluto’s family of satellites are more recent discoveries.  The dwarf planet had been under detailed study to prepare for the New Horizon’s mission, which was launched in 2006, and is scheduled to fly-by Pluto and its moons in 2015.   By blocking the light from the bright sources of Pluto and Charon, the region near Pluto may be searched for additional, small and faint bodies.  In 2005 a team conduced a search for companions of Pluto using the Hubble Space Telescope and discovered two new satellites of Pluto, later officially designated Nix and Hydra.  In 2011 a 4th moon of Pluto was discovered, “P4”  Which brings us up to today, with the recent announcement that a 5th moon of Pluto, “P5” had been identified through HST images.  All four of these newer moons are pretty small, with the largest one, Hydra, between 60 to 170 km across, while the smallest moon,  the newly discovered “P5,” being only 10-25 km in diameter.  Quite a bit of the uncertainty in size comes from not knowing how reflective these moons are.  If they have very dark surfaces, they will be larger than if they had very reflective surfaces since these size estimates are based on how bright the sunlight is that has reflected off of their surface and been collected by our telescopes.

Of interest is the relationship that the orbits of Pluto’s moons have with each other.  They are all very close to mean motion resonances with the Pluto-Charon system.  From closest P5, Nix, P4, and Hydra are almost in a 1:3:4:5:6 resonance with the Pluto-Charon.  That means that every 6th time Charon orbits Pluto, P5 will have completed 5 orbits, Nix will complete 4, P4 will have completed 3 and Hydra will have finished one orbit of Pluto.  Details are being studied right now, but it seems as though none of them are in a “perfect” resonance – but the orbital dynamics of the Pluto system are getting very interesting indeed.

In fact a colleague of mine, Dr. Alex Parker at the Harvard–Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, has made a wonderful demonstration of how close to resonance these moons are.  By translating their orbital frequency into sound, and boosting it by 29 octaves (to be in the auditory range) Dr. Parker has turned the Plutonian orbits into “music”.  One can visit his SoundCloud page: and hear the slight difference between a perfect resonance, and what we have measured the Plutonian system to be in.  Seriously, check it out – it is super cool.