
Friday, July 27, 2018

arXiv:1807.09806 -- Young and eccentric: the quadruple system HD 86588

PaperYoung and eccentric: the quadruple system HD 86588
AuthorsAndrei Tokovinin, Hank Corbett, Octavi Fors, Ward Howard, Nicholas M. Law, Maxwell Moe, Frederick M. Walter
Abstract: High-resolution spectroscopy and speckle interferometry reveal the young star HD 86588 as a quadruple system with a 3-tier hierarchy. The 0.3" resolved binary A,B with an estimated period around 300 years contains the 8-year pair Aa,Abc (also potentially resolvable), where Ab,Ac is a double-lined binary with equal components, for which we compute the spectroscopic orbit. Despite the short period of 2.4058 day, the orbit of Ab,Ac is eccentric (e=0.086+-0.003). It has a large inclination, but there are no eclipses; only a 4.4 mmag light modulation apparently caused by star spots on the components of this binary is detected with Evryscope. Assuming a moderate extinction of A_V = 0.5 mag and a parallax of 5.2 mas, we find that the stars are on or close to the main sequence (age >10 Myr) and their masses are from 1 to 1.3 solar. We measure the strength of the Lithium line in the visual secondary B which, together with rotation, suggests that the system is younger than 150 Myr. This object is located behind the extension of the Chamaeleon I dark cloud (which explains extinction and interstellar Sodium absorption), but apparently does not belong to it. We propose a scenario where the inner orbit has recently acquired its high eccentricity through dynamical interaction with the outer two components; it is now undergoing rapid tidal circularization on a time scale of ~1 Myr. Alternatively, the eccentricity could be excited quasi-stationary by the outer component Aa.

My Comment: I love crazy dynamical systems. Two stars orbit each other as a binary. That binary orbits with another star as a compound binary. That compound (3-star) binary orbits with yet another star, making the whole system a three-level binary set of four stars. Really neat stuff.

My Scrawling Notes: